Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Conquering Asia

I just got back from a tiresome trip around Singapore and Malaysia.  Last May, I also had the privilege of touring Thailand.  After the recent trip, I realized there are plenty of global destinations (within Southeast Asia) accessible to me which is why I decided I wanted to try the tri-city tour covering Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia and Hongkong's Disneyland (to bring out the kid in me).  The HK trip is reserved for my niece and hopefully, my nephew.  I can forego said place but if both kids will go, so will I ;) As regards the tri-city adventure, thankfully I have a dear friend who also wanted go do it, which makes planning and budget all the more feasible.

Watch out for my blogs to-be, I need to have the luxury of time to be able to do that.  For the meantime, it's my turn at *Scrabble ;)

*My latest pastime...Incidentally, this latest fling of mine merits another post...